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a womans hand holding a sparkler, with a green and gold background and title REBT rational emotive behavioral therapy certified

REBT Certified!

Hey everyone,

I know it’s been a bit since I’ve posted. I had to do some prioritizing this summer because I took on another class and it was very time consuming, but I didn’t want to sacrifice the quality time with my family, self care, or being able to give my current clients my full focus. That meant that the free live trainings and blog posts had to sort of take a back seat for a while. However, I finished my courses and trainings this past week and am now OFFICIALLY REBT certified so I’ll now have more time to get back on track. I’ll be away next week, but after that, I plan to be much more active. So thank you for sticking with me.

On that note, I wanted to give a brief intro to REBT in case you’re not familiar with it.

Basically, REBT stands for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy which is basically a way to identify and change irrational beliefs that lead to things anxiety, distress, self sabotage, people pleasing and negative reactions. Essentially, it goes off of the foundation that our emotions and behaviors are influenced by our beliefs, not by events themselves. For example, if you believe that you have to be perfect to be valued, failing at something might lead to excessive self-criticism and anxiety which could then also affect the choices you make as you move forward and negatively impact your life. REBT helps to challenge these beliefs, and replace them with more rational ones, which helps to develop healthier emotional responses and behaviors. It’s also changing absolutes into preferences. For example, rather than everyone HAS to love me in order for me to be okay, it’s I’d like it if everyone loved me, but I’ll survive if they don’t.

So when it comes down to it, it’s about changing the way you think in order to have a more fulfilling and less stressful life.

So I’m going to work a little bit of this into some of my live trainings and then of course, I’ll be fully integrating it into my coaching packages for those who are interested. I’m really excited about this because of the ways it’s personally impacted me, so if you have any interest or questions or anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Have you ever heard of REBT before?

And of course, a reminder that if you need a little extra support, I’m your girl. I offer one on one coaching as well as a free facebook community for support. You can check get more info by clicking the links, and of course feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions.

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