Tag: self-limiting beliefs

a woman with here hainds in the air in front of a mountain with a green and gold background and title building your self-confidence

Building your self-confidence

I went live in my facebook group this morning to talk about self-confidence after it was mentioned to me by a few different members of the group as well as from a past client. Low self-confidence is an issue that affects many of us, but it doesn’t have to. That’s why I wanted to share a few options with you to help kick those doubts to the curb.

When it comes to building self-confidence, I usually go right for mindset work, meditation and journaling. I’ll start off by briefly mentioning that I do have a couple of paid but affordable options, and then I’ll go into more detail with a whole lot of free things that you can try.

Paid options:

So for the paid things, I have a guided journal that I created to help with self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs which is on amazon.  It has exercises, prompts, etc to help to build confidence and self-belief. And then on my website, I have a guided meditation which is to build up things like confidence as well as lessoning stress and increasing self compassion which all tie into each other.

You can find my guided journals on amazon here.  And my website shop here.

You can also check out my website for things like affirmation downloads or reach out to me about coaching if you want something more hands on.

But now onto the free things that you can try.

For most of these, I still use a journal, but not a guided one. It can just be a blank journal or scrap paper, a notes ap or word doc. Just something to be able to write things down.

First, basic self-care like nutrition and getting enough quality sleep.

It might not seem like it would be connected, but it affects the way your brain processes everything, how you focus, how you feel, etc.  So if you’re doing better physically and mentally, it’s going to affect your mindset and your confidence for sure.

Give yourself grace/self compassion.

Basically, don’t be so hard on yourself. Think about how you would treat a friend and apply that to you. This is one that I’ve done a lot and recommended to my mom… write down whatever you’re struggling with and then go back and read it as if a friend wrote it. You can make someone up or think of someone in particular. And then write a letter back as if you were talking to that friend. So for example, look at whatever you wrote and pretend my mom wrote it and think of how you would answer her. Then once you’ve written the response, go back and read it as you again. Often, we’re a lot kinder and more supportive to the people we care about than to ourselves, so this is sort of a way to trick our minds into being more supportive of ourselves.

Challenge your negative thoughts.

If you have a doubt or negative thought or something holding you back, write it down. Then try to list any reasons that this thought is true.  Then re-write it as a positive thought challenging it and list the reasons that it is or could be true. This helps to get rid of unfounded doubts that often have no real basis or are really other people’s voices in our heads.

You can also try giving that negative voice in your head a different name.

This helps so that you can separate it from yourself. This sounds silly, but it’s effective for a lot of people. For example, let’s call it bob.  Every time you start to have the negative thought or doubt, you can actually say out loud, be quiet bob. I know I can do this.

Set smaller, realistic goals.

Rather than focusing only on the big picture which can be intimidating or overwhelming, focus on the next small thing you can do. What is an achievable step in the right direction?  And then make sure to celebrate the success! Doesn’t have to be a party (though it could be) but do something to acknowledge the accomplishment. A happy dance, an excited call to a friend, a piece of chocolate, etc.

Focus on your strengths.

Make a list of the things you love about yourself, skills that you’re proud of, areas where you didn’t quit and saw success. If you can’t think of any, ask friends or loved ones and write them down. You can even word it as what words come to mind when you think of me or what would you say I’m good at, etc. (I did this a few years ago and I was really nervous at first that it would look like I was fishing for compliments or something, but the people I reached out to were very quick to send me a few things each that made me realize more about myself than I had before. It was a very cool experience.) write these down and keep the list in a place that’s easy to reference on days where you need a reminder of your amazingness. Add to it as often as you feel called to.


You can use affirmations in so many ways. Print them out and put them somewhere you’ll see often, include them in a meditation, say them out loud as part of a morning or bedtime routine, etc… you want them to be something like “I am” and then whatever belief you’re trying to instill. Ex, I am confident. I am capable. Make it part of your daily life and your brain will start to recognize it as part of who you are.

Support system

Reach out to your friends, your family, a coach, etc… (feel free to post in my group whenever too) remember that you are not alone. If you have people who are constantly pulling you down or making you feel like you can’t do things, consider implementing firmer boundaries with them or some space. Notice who hypes you up, supports you, encourages or makes you feel better and nurture those relationships more.

Be willing to ‘fail’.

I’m using quotations for fail because I don’t really consider it to be a failure to try something new or to get it wrong as long as you don’t just give up. No one is perfect and expecting perfection is one of the quickest ways to get down on yourself. So this kind of goes back to giving yourself grace and compassion- realize that everyone makes mistakes or has a learning curve. And that it’s okay. That’s why we practice, start again, call on mentors, etc.  Replace the ‘I failed’ mentality with ‘I didn’t get it yet but I can try again.’ Or something along those lines that resonates. But you can’t succeed if you never start.

Hopefully these are helpful. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to talk about any of these further or whatever.



Blonde girl smiling, green and gold background, Ashley Pakulski, An Empowered Voice

Ashley Pakulski, An Empowered Voice

This week, I’d like to introduce you to Ashley Pakulski!

Ashley Pakulski, a devoted single mom to her daughter and cherished fur baby, calls Canada her home. As a dedicated Business and Mindset Coach, Ashley specializes in empowering mompreneurs who’ve embarked on their coaching journey. Her mission is clear: to help them conquer self-doubt, exude confidence, and magnetically draw in their dream clients, propelling them towards full-time business success.

Beyond coaching, Ashley shines as a captivating speaker and a bestselling author. Her unwavering belief is that a thriving business begins with a solid foundation in mindset and inner growth, paving the way for strategic success. Through this transformative work, inspired action becomes second nature, leading to the organic attraction of the right people to your business. Ashley is committed to turning the dreams of every mother entrepreneur into a reality.

What was your ‘Ever After’ moment? (The moment that changed everything)

My ‘Ever After’ moment was when I gave birth to my daughter. It was then I realized that for things in my life to change, I needed to change. That’s when my healing journey started. It wasn’t always smooth, but I understood that to give her the best life, it began with my own inner work, healing, and pursuing my passion.

What is a challenge that you have have faced and how did you overcome it? What did you learn along the way?

I faced significant challenges in my life, including trauma and addiction. Traditional therapy didn’t quite do it for me. I took matters into my own hands, delving into personal development and self-healing books. Establishing morning routines and attending AA meetings were key. I also had to let go of some people. Through this, I learned that challenges persist, but self-care and healing are daily practices. Loving yourself fully and confronting what holds you back leads to breakthroughs, making anything possible in life.

What is a practical strategy or tool that you have found most effective for achieving success and/or personal growth?

A practical strategy that’s been a game-changer for my success and personal growth is morning routines. They’re like an all-in-one package. Incorporating breakthrough work, meditation, affirmations, and journaling has been crucial. It helps regulate my nervous system, keeps me present, and reprograms my subconscious mind. This shift in focus and learning to let go of control has been transformative for me. I could talk about it endlessly!

How do you deal with self-doubt and limiting beliefs? What practices have you found helpful for building self-confidence?

Dealing with self-doubt and limiting beliefs is a vital ongoing process. Personally, I find listening to affirmations at night while I sleep incredibly helpful. Morning and night are prime times for effective visualization. With my clients, I encourage them to identify their “little lies,” and trace their origin and validity. Then, they replace them with empowering, believable statements, and actively seek evidence of their achievements. Building this foundation of strength leads to unstoppable confidence, where outside opinions matter less, and you become full of self-assurance.

What advice do you have for staying resilient in the face of adversity? How do you maintain a growth mindset and learn from failures?

The key is to keep moving forward. There will be days when you have to crawl, but keep your head held high. Amidst all the noise, stay focused on your goals and be your authentic self. Embrace mistakes as part of the learning process, nobody’s perfect. Just remember, if you stay hidden and stuck, you won’t grow. Take even a 1% step each day, and by year’s end, you’ll have moved mountains.

What are some common misconceptions people have about your area of expertise, and what would you like people to know?

A common misconception is downplaying the importance of mindset work, often dismissing it as fluff. While strategies are crucial, without the right mindset, sustained success is a challenge. Energy matters for sales and overall progress. Success isn’t just about strategies; it’s about nurturing your mindset and inner foundation. This work is continuous and essential—it doesn’t have an endpoint.

Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

Absolutely, I’d like to emphasize the importance of forward momentum. Learning comes from daily action, focusing on significant steps that make a real impact. Avoid looking back; it’s about moving ahead. Remember, your thoughts shape your reality, so choose ones that empower and serve you best!

How can we connect with you?



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girl with glasses and dark hair, smiling, orange dress, green and gold background, Jannylie Cayabyab: An Empowered Voice

Jannylie Cayabyab, An Empowered Voice

This week, I’d like to introduce you to Jannylie Cayabyab, an online math tutor and empowered entrepreneur!

Jannylie is an online tutor who inspires young people to excel in Math so that they can show up as the better versions of themselves. She is a living witness of God’s unwavering grace, love and forgiveness.
She was kind enough to share some of her story with me to share with all of you.

What was your ‘Ever After’ moment? (The moment that changed everything)

I started my online math tutoring business earlier this year. I used to work for tutoring companies before but I decided to try things on my own this time. It is true that entrepreneurship is character building. I discovered a lot of things about myself that I did not know before. Doing the inner work was difficult and uncomfortable but it was something I needed to grow as an individual and as an entrepreneur. Commitment, focus and patience were the areas that I’ve struggled with at first but by doing consistent work, things are becoming easier now.

What is a challenge that you have have faced and how did you overcome it? What did you learn along the way?

I struggled to set boundaries at the start of my business endeavor. I did not strictly implement my boundaries with my clients, with my family and even with myself. It resulted in resentment and burnout. I learned to set my priorities straight and to communicate effectively to the people around me. As a people pleaser, this is something difficult to do but by being more confident, I know I am being better.

What is a practical strategy or tool that you have found most effective for achieving success and/or personal growth?

Being consistent is necessary for growth and improvement. Whether putting myself out there for my business or spending more time reading the Word of God, I always push myself to stick to my goals. It’s not always easy but we need to persevere and endure if we want to be better at something.

How do you deal with self-doubt and limiting beliefs? What practices have you found helpful for building self-confidence?

As a perfectionist, I deal with a lot of insecurities. Irrational thoughts and fears keep coming in my mind, bringing my self-confidence down sometimes. I’ve tried doing the strategies and tips the internet gurus are recommending but what works the best for me is talking to myself in a kind manner. I encourage myself by acknowledging the efforts I put into my work and by continuously reminding myself that I am worthy of peace, success and abundance. It’s difficult to give myself grace sometimes but I know I need to be patient and things will fall right where they belong.

What advice do you have for staying resilient in the face of adversity? How do you maintain a growth mindset and learn from failures?

I am a Catholic and through time, I learned to offer my thoughts, feelings, and circumstances to the Lord. I believe that God is in control and all I need is to have faith that He will deliver me from the challenges and difficulties. This is easier said than done and I still struggle to commit everything to Him sometimes. But I am certain that God is faithful and He will always be with me on this journey.

What are some common misconceptions people have about your area of expertise, and what would you like people to know?

A lot of my students struggle in Math today because they don’t have mastery over the arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. To achieve academic success, it is vital for students to do these operations without the aid of a calculator. I understand that we have a more modern curriculum now but Math is a cumulative subject. A student should be proficient in the basics first before he can understand the more complex Math concepts.

How can we connect with you?

FB – https://www.facebook.com/jc.writes.14

LINKEDIN – www.linkedin.com/in/jannylie-cayabyab

YOUTUBE – https://www.youtube.com/@JannylieCayabyab_Tutor



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