Tag: healing

a woman from behind looking out trees, with a green and gold background and title nature is healing

Nature is healing.

Last night I did a quick nature focused mini-training in my facebook group and wanted to basically share the transcript here with you in case you might find it helpful as well. Basically, it comes down to a simple but powerful form of self care that is so easy, anyone can do it.

And that is spending time in nature.

If you’re an active member of the fb group, you may have seen where I mentioned a little bit about how healing nature can be earlier this week when a few members were talking about how draining life was feeling lately. Tonight I wanted to dive a little further into why it’s so powerful as well as provide some ideas and options to try. So whether you’re looking for a quick recharge or to have a big impact on your health, it’s totally possible with a little help from the great outdoors.

As someone who makes it a point to spend as much time outside as possible, I can absolutely attest to how much of an impact it can have.

And that goes for all ages too.

For example, a lot of people told me I was crazy when I told them I was going to take my two toddlers camping for a whole week, but I have never seen them as calm. Between hiking through the trees, eating our meals by a lake, interacting with wildlife every day, and sitting under the stars each night… it was such a great experience for the whole family and every single one of us came home feeling healthier and happier.  But seven days in the woods can be a lot for some people so if that feels extreme, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to embrace the healing power of nature from the safety of your own back yard or a nearby park, and it can be five minutes here and there instead of a whole week.

But before we get further into some options, I want to go further into the why.

As I said, nature can be a huge healing source when it comes to both your physical and mental health. Let’s start with your nervous system and stress. Did you know that there is a ton of research that shows that being in nature can lower levels of cortisol? Even something as simple as a walk in the park can lead to lower blood pressure and heart rate, meaning your stress levels come down.

And as that cortisol level is decreasing, your serotonin and dopamine levels are going up, which helps with regulating your emotions and mood stability, meaning less anxiety, sadness and depression.

Taking that short break from the demands of your daily life and spending the time outdoors instead can help to improve your cognitive function- from attention span to memory to problem solving skills, a quick nature break has been known to restore your energy and focus. The theory behind this is that nature provides effortless attention which restores mental fatigue. That combined with all of the happy hormones leads to a higher functioning brain.

And then there is the fact that physical activities like walking or hiking in nature lead to a better overall physical fitness.

This means improvements in your cardiovascular health, weight, muscle, and immune system. You’re also being exposed to more natural light which helps your circadian rythems, meaning a better sleep cycle. You naturally produce more melatonin which can help with things like insomnia and improve your sleep quality. This is huge for both your mental and physical health.

There’s also a lot of emotions that can come to the surface when you’re surrounded by nature- such as feelings of connection and belonging. Being more connected to the world around you can help with the way that you interact with people and studies have shown that when we interact with nature, we’re more likely to feel like we’re part of the community which reduces feelings of loneliness.

And then finally, there’s just a certain sense of peace that comes with being in nature.

No distractions, no hustle and bustle of regular life… you’re more likely to be present and mindful of what’s going on around you. It’s calming and can allow you to be more engaged in the moment which again, comes back to things like less stress and more calm.


So, what are some of the easiest ways to get out in nature so that you can start getting all of these benefits?

You can jump in headfirst like I do and take off for the woods for a week or two, or you can step into it a little more slowly. Start with a walk around the block or through a local park. Hike through trails or public gardens or state parks. Start a garden in your yard or on your porch or wherever you have the room. Or maybe even just eat your lunch outside- whether it’s at a picnic table or sitting at the base of a tree.

You can ride your bike or head out with your camera and take photos of what you see around you. If it’s dark out, you can sit by a fire or lay out and look at the stars. You can find a quiet grassy place to kick off your shoes and practice grounding or yoga or meditation.  Head to the beach and walk through the sand, listening to the waves and appreciating the absolute power that is the ocean.

The possibilities are endless.

And you can start with just five minutes and work your way up to longer or have several mini nature breaks throughout the day or dive in with full days or weeks.  Whatever works best for you, your circumstances and your needs. Its totally adaptable and a lot of the time, it can be free. The key part is to just do it often.

I’d love to hear if any of this resonates with you, what you’re favorite ways are to get out in nature, and of course, if you have any questions at all or are interested in coaching services, just reach out.

Have a wonderful night everyone. And get outside tomorrow.

And of course, a reminder that if you need a little extra support, I’m your girl. I offer one on one coaching as well as a free facebook community for support. You can check get more info by clicking the links, and of course feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions.

a woman from behind looking out a window, with a green and gold background and title trauma secrets: healing without the audience

Trauma Secrets: Healing Without The Audience

You don’t have to share your trauma. You can if you want to, but you don’t have to. Whether you choose to keep it to yourself or share it with the world does not make it any more or less valid.

I do recommend having one person that you can talk to. Whether it’s a trusted friend or family member, a therapist, or even an anonymous forum…  I know from experience that not opening up at all can lead to a full blown mental breakdown and can make it harder to heal. But my point is:

You don’t need to tell the world what happened to you in order to be allowed to fully feel it.

I have unfortunately been through a fair amount of trauma in my life. Some of it I have shared with friends, family and even strangers. Some of it I haven’t shared with anyone other than my therapist and my husband. My feelings about each situation are still equally valid.

I can’t remember where I read it, but someone said you need to share your trauma because it could be what saves someone else. And I get it- I know reading about other women who’ve been through what I’ve been through has helped me. The whole ‘not alone’ thing. You could totally be that person for someone else, and that’s awesome if you want to. I’m here to tell you that you do NOT have to. You are responsible for healing and taking care of yourself. You don’t need to be anyone else’s hero.

I’ve also read things like “Well it couldn’t have been that bad if she didn’t tell anyone.” That’s also complete bullshit.

Odds are, half of the shit you will read is bullshit.

A lot of the time, even the people who do share their trauma don’t necessarily share right away. A big reason is for some of us is that we are ingrained with a victim mentality and therefore convince ourselves that it was our fault or that we deserved the bad things that happened to us. Sometimes we feel shame, despite the fact that it wasn’t our fault. Maybe we’re in denial. Other times, it’s because we’re afraid of judgment or the way that people might look at us if they knew. They might think we were weak or stupid.  Or maybe they’ll tell us we’re overreacting because other people have it worse. Sometimes talking about it makes it too real or can re-traumatize us.

A lot of the time, we’re just scared and find it hard to trust anyone.

There are a million different reasons that people choose not to share their trauma and every one of those reasons is valid. Whatever your reasons, it’s your story and you get to be the one to decide whether or not to tell it. The same way you get to decide how to feel it.

My point is, whether you make the decision to share or not to share, you’re making the right decision for you. Either way, your trauma is valid. Your feelings are valid and they matter. You don’t need to justify or explain why you feel the way you do. Heal at your own pace and do what feels right for you. 

Don’t let anyone pressure you either way.

Again, I do recommend connecting with one person just to help you process. Before I finally did that, I bottled everything up inside and tried to pretend that it wasn’t real. I thought that if no one knew, than I could pretend it hadn’t happened and make it all go away. What ended up happening was that it kept building up inside me and I started having a really hard time keeping it all together. Panic attacks, constant crying and nightmares became my new normal and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Once I found the right person and was able to let it all out, it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off of me. I had someone to help me navigate through the mine-field that my mind had become, but overall, I still kept my privacy.

That being said, sometimes even one person knowing what you went through can feel like too much. If that’s the case for you and you want to keep your trauma completely private, there are so many forums or anonymous groups online and I’ve found a couple of them to be very helpful in the past. If you really don’t want to talk to anyone, try journaling. Anything to help you not drown in your thoughts.

And as always, remember that you matter. Please don’t ever let anyone make you think otherwise.

And of course, a reminder that if you need a little extra support, I’m your girl. I offer one on one coaching as well as a free facebook community for support. You can check get more info by clicking the links, and of course feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions.

a woman looking away, with a green and gold background and title trauma is not your fault but healing is your responsibility

Trauma is not your fault, but healing is your responsibility.

A few years ago, I went through a trauma that really messed me up. Afterwards, it was like I lost all control of myself. I felt like I couldn’t breathe no matter what I did, and I couldn’t think about anything else. My entire body would shake, panic attacks were constant and I couldn’t close my eyes without seeing what had happened to me. I cried myself to sleep and then woke up screaming from the nightmares. It honestly felt like my whole world had been ripped apart.

Everything I thought I knew felt wrong and I was terrified all of the time. I had trouble finding motivation to get out of bed, lost interest in all of my hobbies, and moved through my life like a zombie for months. I’m pretty sure that everyone could tell that there was something wrong with me long before I was officially diagnosed with PTSD.

My husband convinced me to go to therapy and during my very first session, the therapist said something that changed everything.

“What happened to you was not your fault, but healing is your responsibility.”

At first, I was livid. Why was I the one that had to do the work when I was the one that got hurt? I wasn’t the one who made life-destroying choices, yet I was the only one suffering.  How was that fair?

All I wanted was to go back home, crawl under the covers and continue shutting the world out. But as we talked through it, I realized that he was right. No one else was going to fix me. I could sit around and let myself drown in my misery, wishing things had been different, or I could work towards rebuilding. I’m really proud of myself for choosing to rebuild.

I’ll be honest with you; there are times where I’m still going through it.

I still have bad moments some days where I start thinking about the past and feeling bad for myself. Moments where I am suddenly terrified or angry or wracked with pain.  But while they used to consume me every minute of every day, now they’re few and far between. I’m so much better than I was, and I’m continuing to get better. I’m building a life that fills me with joy and purpose. Because I am so much stronger than my trauma, and once I owned that, I was able to change everything.

Over the years, I have made some MAJOR changes in my life.

The most important change was becoming a mom. My daughter breathed a new life into me and motivated me to work even harder to heal and become stronger. And then my son increased that drive and made me even more determined. Every single moment with them is healing on it’s own.

On top of those little blessings, I cleaned house on all of my toxic relationships, set some major boundaries, and started learning about self-care and empowerment. The relationships that were good for me were strengthened and I found a whole new sense of self-worth. I also traveled, left my full-time job, started my own business, moved to a new state where I’ve been renovating my dream house, and started conneting with other women who want more out of life. I’ve taken a bunch of new classes and got certified in things that have interested me, participated in multiple summits for women who want to take their lives to the next level, learned new skills, and so much more.

Not bad for someone who just a few short years ago had pretty must lost the will to live, right?

The point of all of this?

Basically, I wanted to tell you that if you’ve been through something traumatic or scary or sad that wasn’t your fault…

You didn’t deserve it. How do I know? Because no one deserves to be traumatized. But even if you were a victim- even if you were just the collateral damage of someone else’s horrible choices- you still need to heal. You need to do it for you. That is your responsibility.

Don’t let them take your life from you. Don’t let them win.

Even if it seems like your world has ended and there is no hope of happier days, you need to try. Start with small goals and don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Some days, your goal might just be to get out of bed, and that’s okay. Heal at your own pace and start building a life that you love. I promise you, you will not regret it.

You are stronger than you think.

If you take nothing else from this, please just remember that you matter.

And of course, a reminder that if you need a little extra support, I’m your girl. I offer one on one coaching as well as a free facebook community for support. You can check get more info by clicking the links, and of course feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions.

barefeet in the grass with flowers, a green and gold background and the words Grounding for your health.

Grounding for your health

Have you ever heard of grounding?

With the weather finally warming up, the kids and I have been doing a lot of it. So much so that my daughter thought it was BEYOND strange when my mom came to visit and told her to put shoes on to play out back. That combined with how much I think grounding has helped me, especially while dealing with grief over the last two weeks, made me want to share about the why and how so that you can reap the benefits too.

First I’ll start with the why.

Grounding is amazing for mental and physical health. It’s a way to reconnect with the world and with nature that leads to less stress, lower blood pressure and better immune health. The process itself involves transferring electrons from the earth to your body, which helps with inflammation, circulation and even your sleep quality. Depending on how you do it, it can mean more exercise which means more endorphins while also building muscle. And then of course, there’s the vitamin D boost, the fresh air, and the peaceful feelings.  Some other benefits include better mental clarity, more creativity, and a more regulated nervous system.

How to get started:

  • Set aside 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Find a place in nature that calms you… a park, the woods, the beach, your backyard…
  • Observe your surroundings and try to clear your mind so that you can engage your senses.
  • Stand barefoot in the grass, dirt or sand. Feel the texture beneath your feet.
  • Listen to the sounds and take deep breathes of that nice fresh air.
  • You can add in a walk (remaining barefoot), meditate, do yoga, etc.
  • Just focus on feeling the ground under your feet, let go of everything weighing on you and embrace the beauty of the world around you.

It’s an easy way to get some amazing benefits.

It really is that simple. The hardest part is just being patient with yourself. Allow yourself to relax, grow and heal. If you start to get distracted or frustrated, just acknowledge it and try again. But this simple practice can really help you to draw strength from nature and to feel more at peace. If you have tried grounding before, I’d love to know how it worked for you and your favorite place to do it.

If not, let me know if you give it a shot! And of course, I’m here if you have any questions or would like some additional support of guidance along the way.

And of course, a reminder that if you need a little extra support, I’m your girl. I offer one on one coaching as well as a free facebook community for support. You can check get more info by clicking the links, and of course feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions.


a woman's hands holding a journal and pen with a green and gold background and title affirmations: you get to choose how they work

Affirmations: You get to choose how they work.

Every thought is an affirmation. If you’re constantly repeating things to yourself that paint you or your life in a negative light, you’re going to see everything negatively. You’re going to bury those thoughts further and further into your brain, until they’re true. Because you believe them and therefore act accordingly. However the opposite is true. If you’re constantly saying and telling yourself good things, those are the thoughts that are going to take root and affect what you say, do and believe. That’s what makes them affirmations.

So I am challenging you to make your affirmations positive.

Choose thoughts to repeat to yourself that are going to program your mind for success. Let them help you stay focused and motivated on your goals, and increase your self-confidence.

When actively and intentionally using positive affirmations, choose statements that are in the present tense. I am achieving my goals. I am worthy of success and happiness. For the best results, be consistent and repeat the same affirmations often.  Keep them realistic.  Use them to remind yourself of what you’re doing and what you’re looking to achieve. I am taking steps to achieve my goals. I am doing the work to be more financially stable or emotionally stable or in better shape.

Don’t just say the words and think it’s going to change things. Put your heart into it. Choose to believe the things you are saying so that you can make it a reality. Make sure it resonates with who you want to be and what you want to achieve. Put feeling into it. Use confidence and conviction.

I also recommend saying them out loud, as well as writing them down.  Write them in your journal or put them somewhere you’ll see often. Say them to your reflection or just put it out there in the world. Let your mind really take it in.

And remember, all changes take time.

Give yourself grace and be patient with yourself as you work towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Even on hard days, remember what it is that you want. Who you want to be. And then believe in yourself and your ability to make it happen.

If you’re in need of some additional guidance…

Here’s a little reminder that I do offer one-on-one coaching and I am currently taking clients. You can also check out my website (www.daniellelapteff.com) for a free quiz to help you figure out what sort of affirmations might help you the most with where you’re at right now. I also have a free download where you can grab a bunch of different affirmations to incorporate for empowerment, as well as some visual affirmation options in my shop. Just let me know if you have any questions or are looking for specific links. You can also use this group to get more support- just comment on this video or on the main feed, shoot me a dm, etc.

And of course, I’d love to hear if any of this resonates with you, if you’ve had success with affirmations in the past, if you have a favorite affirmation or process that you use in your own life… Let me know!

a woman with dark hair making pizza dough in a cedar kitchen with a green and gold background and title hands-on healing

Hands-On Healing

How often do you work with your hands? (And by work, I don’t necessarily mean a job- but just hands-on activities in general.) So many of us sit at a computer all day and sure, typing uses your hands to a degree. But I’m talking about hands-on activities, meaning phsyically moving them around and using those fine motor skills… Have you noticed any benefits to it when you do?

I’ve noticed that if I’m feeling stressed or frustrated, that getting my hands moving in some sort of activity can help me feel better, so I started looking into it. It turns out that these hands-on activities actually affect us in a lot of ways- from our mind to our body to our heart/soul.

I wanted to share some of the things that I learned with you.

When you actively use your hands, you’re creating new neural pathways. This affects how your brain processes information. And so the more pathways you create, the stronger your brain is, meaning you can learn more. You get better at things like problem solving or remembering details.  But there are a lot of other benefits as well.

Improved fine motor skills:

Through participating in activities that use our hands, we’re using our fine motor skills.  The more we use them, the more they improve which means our precision and coordination will get better.

Improved cognitive function:

Many hands-on activities, like puzzles, stimulate your brain and therefore help with cognitive function. There is a definite connection between hand movements and brain activity, so this can help us to strengthen our mind.

Stress reduction:

Hands-on activities usually have a calming effect. These hobbies can help reduce stress as well as help us to relax and focus our attention.

Increased creativity:

Many hands-on activities allow us to create things that were not there before. From actual art (painting, sculpting, doodling) to other creation type activities (baking, writing, dancing), these activities allow for self-expression and can inspire creativity and innovation.

Sense of accomplishment:

You know that feeling when you finish a project and you just feel so proud? You can grab this feeling again and again with these activities, meaning boosted self-esteem and motivation. This leads to a positive mindset which can ultimately change the way you experience life.

Learning and growth:

Hands-on learning can be more effective than passive learning for a lot of us. Actually using your hands and engaging with different materials can help us to understand and remember things more deeply.

Physical health benefits:

Some hands-on activities, like gardening or DIY home improvement projects, can provide some enjoyable exercise. This can improve physical strength and increase flexibility. Plus the serotonin that comes from moving your body.

Mindfulness and focus:

I sort of mentioned this earlier but wanted to highlight it on its own. Hands-on activities often require concentration and focus. This means having to stay present which can help us to detach from stressors, triggers or fears.

Social interaction:

A lot of hands-on activities can be done with a partner or group which can be a lot of fun and deepen relationships.

These are just some of the benefits that come with moving your hands. If you’ve noticed others, I’d love to hear about it- drop it in the comments!

I’d also love to know what some of your favorite hands on activities are.

Mine are drawing, painting, cooking, gardening and puzzles. But the thing that works best for me, and honestly what inspired this training, is baking. I was rolling out some homemade pizza dough and it honestly felt like I could feel all of the tension just leaving my body. It’s such a rewarding experience and it’s also a lot of fun! With that in mind, I figured I’d share the pizza dough recipe that I use with you.

This makes one family size pizza, but I’ve also doubled or tripled it and divided it up for several personal sized pizzas. The personal pizza activity can be a really fun bonding experience to do as a family or a date night or with friends. Have all of the toppings on the table, section the dough off and everyone makes their own. I’ve done it a few times now and it has never not been a good time.

I’ve also used this recipe to make breadsticks, adding just a bit of oil and oregano, maybe a bit of cheese. It’s really hard to go wrong with it.


• 1 cup warm water
• 2 1/4 tsp. of active dry yeast (one packet)
• 1 tsp sugar
• 2.5 cups flour
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• 1 tsp salt
• 2 Cups of mozzarella cheese
• Any wanted seasonings and toppings (oregano, garlic, rosemary, etc)


  • Preheat oven to 450 and either grease pan or use parchment paper
  • Mix yeast, warm water, and sugar in a bowl and set aside to let bloom. This should take about ten minutes- will look puffy when done.
  • Add flour, oil, salt and mix until smooth. Kneed it for a while until it is mixed well and smooth, not sticky but still has a bounce to it.
  • Let sit for at least 5 minutes.
  • Turn dough out on a lightly floured surface and roll out to your desired shape. You don’t want it so thin that there are holes, but you don’t want it too thick either. It will double in thickness when baking so aim for about as half as thick as you want it.
  • Add your seasonings, sauce, cheese and toppings.
  • Bake for about 10 minutes.

Please let me know if you try it and how it goes! Also, what are your favorite hands-on activities?

And of course, a reminder that if you need a little extra support, I’m your girl. I offer one on one coaching as well as a free facebook community for support. You can check get more info by clicking the links, and of course feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions.


a piece of paper with the word no on soil with leaves and paints near it. green and gold background and title Boundaries are an important part of self care.

Boundaries are an important part of self care.

I talk a lot about self love and self care. It’s really the whole premise of why I got into this business in the first place- to empower women to love themselves and treat themselves well. And so I wanted to write about boundaries, because in my opinion, that’s the most important version of self care that there is.

What are boundaries?

The simplest way I can think to explain boundaries would be rules for how you allow others to treat you. (And for how you treat yourself.) When you set boundaries, you’re telling the people around you what you will accept and what you won’t. They define your needs, your wants and your deal breakers. I firmly believe that these should be put into affect with every relationship in your life- romantic, friendship, professional, stranger, etc… (Though the boundaries you have with one person may be different from the ones you have with another.)

Boundaries are something that everyone should have.

It should be a given that everyone would have boundaries, but that isn’t always the case. For instance, I didn’t really have any boundaries at all for the first 29 years of my life. I’m an empath and I was a chronic people pleaser so I let people walk all over me and take advantage all of the time. It was rare that I stood up for myself or expressed my needs, and when I did, I felt guilty. It took me a really long time to realize how important boundaries were, and that they’re actually a necessity for every person looking to live a healthy life.

You’re allowed to say no.

The biggest change in going from someone without boundaries to someone with boundaries is realizing that you can say no. You don’t have to be everything for everyone anymore. Just because you’re capable of doing something doesn’t mean that you have to. Even if it wouldn’t be that hard or you can do it better than someone else, you can still say no. But it isn’t limited to just saying no, I don’t want to do that. It also involves saying no, I will not allow that or no, I’m not going to think about this or even just plain no. No is a complete sentence.

At first, it might feel selfish.

This doesn’t mean that it is. But when you’re used to saying yes all of the time, no feels uncomfortable. Give it some time and some practice and you’ll be amazed at how easy it starts to become. Eventually, you’ll accept that saying no to someone else can mean saying yes to you. You’ll realize that you have more time and energy that you can spend doing the things that you want to do rather than being stressed about situations you may have been guilted into. This doesn’t mean that you can never help anyone ever again- it means you get to decide. To pick and choose.

If you always say yes to everyone else and you allow people to get away with anything and everything regardless of how you feel, you will be the one that suffers. Odds are you will find yourself exhausted, stressed and maybe even resentful. You’ll probably burn out and not be able to help anyone at all after a while, and then you’ll have to watch as the users and abusers start to disappear and leave you to fall apart because they can no longer get what they need from you.

Boundaries are a way of valuing yourself.

By setting boundaries, you’re putting an emphasis on your values and your own beliefs. You’re standing up for yourself, asking to be treated well and not settling for anything less. By saying you won’t tolerate a certain type of behavior, you’re also saying that you know you deserve better. By stating what you are comfortable with and what you are not, you’re recognizing that your feelings and opinions matter. (This is important, because it’s true!) By enforcing your boundaries, you’re requiring respect from those around you. You’re stating that you are just as worthy as the next person of being treated with consideration.

Not all boundaries need to be rigid.

There are different types of boundaries depending on the situation. Some may be make or break, absolute requirements. Others may just require some discussion or be open to compromise. The easiest way to navigate this is communication.

By communicating your boundaries with the people involved in the situation, you can figure out the best way to move forward. You may have to take other people’s boundaries into account here as well. Sometimes, a compromise may be in order. Other times, maybe it’s best to just go your separate ways. Again, it depends on the situation.

How to set boundaries

The first step would be to look at your life currently. How do people talk to you? Touch you? Interact with you? Does any of this make you uncomfortable? If so, that would be a good indication that you need to set some new boundaries. Figure out what you are comfortable with as well as what makes you anxious and start making a list. What is okay and what is not? Maybe somethings are okay with one person, but not another. As you go through the different areas of your life, you may see a need for different boundaries. That’s perfectly okay. Figure out what’s already there and what needs to change. What do  you want? And what do you need?

Once you’ve figured this out, you can start to communicate those wants and needs to the people around you.

Some people are going to give you a hard time. Some may be offended and maybe even get a little hostile. That my friends, is usually a giant red flag. In my experience, the people who get mad at you for setting boundaries are often the people who would benefit from crossing them. They don’t want you to be strong and stand up for yourself because it means that they have to change and can no longer take advantage of you.

On the flip side, there are going to be others in your life who will embrace your new boundaries. They may even applaud you for them! Even if the new rules require some changes and effort on their end, they’ll try for you. Those are your people. Hold onto them. Because these are the people who want you to succeed. They want you to be happy and to have what’s best for you.

Boundaries can be a neat little tool for figuring out who’s who.

Boundaries can change.

Your boundaries at 20 are going to look different than your boundaries at 30 and at 40 and so on. As you go through life, you will have different experiences, different challenges, different feelings, etc. The things you go through will change your wants and needs, which means you will have to adjust your boundaries. This is totally okay. You can literally wake up one day and decide you want something different. That just means you have to set a new boundary, and be sure to communicate it to the people in your life that may need to adjust a certain behavior or expectation.

It’s really important to show yourself some compassion and patience as you figure out what you want your boundaries to be and how to enforce them. But you do have to enforce them and have actual consequences! Otherwise, people will just keep crossing them and they will inevitably be pointless. By enforcing your boundaries, you’re choosing yourself. And that’s really the best choice you could make.

I hope you choose yourself today. You deserve it.

If you’re struggling with boundaries and would like someone to work one on one with you to move forward, I’d love to work with you. I offer one on one coaching as well as a free facebook community for support. You can check get more info by clicking the links, and of course feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions.


Blonde girl smiling, green and gold background, Ashley Pakulski, An Empowered Voice

Ashley Pakulski, An Empowered Voice

This week, I’d like to introduce you to Ashley Pakulski!

Ashley Pakulski, a devoted single mom to her daughter and cherished fur baby, calls Canada her home. As a dedicated Business and Mindset Coach, Ashley specializes in empowering mompreneurs who’ve embarked on their coaching journey. Her mission is clear: to help them conquer self-doubt, exude confidence, and magnetically draw in their dream clients, propelling them towards full-time business success.

Beyond coaching, Ashley shines as a captivating speaker and a bestselling author. Her unwavering belief is that a thriving business begins with a solid foundation in mindset and inner growth, paving the way for strategic success. Through this transformative work, inspired action becomes second nature, leading to the organic attraction of the right people to your business. Ashley is committed to turning the dreams of every mother entrepreneur into a reality.

What was your ‘Ever After’ moment? (The moment that changed everything)

My ‘Ever After’ moment was when I gave birth to my daughter. It was then I realized that for things in my life to change, I needed to change. That’s when my healing journey started. It wasn’t always smooth, but I understood that to give her the best life, it began with my own inner work, healing, and pursuing my passion.

What is a challenge that you have have faced and how did you overcome it? What did you learn along the way?

I faced significant challenges in my life, including trauma and addiction. Traditional therapy didn’t quite do it for me. I took matters into my own hands, delving into personal development and self-healing books. Establishing morning routines and attending AA meetings were key. I also had to let go of some people. Through this, I learned that challenges persist, but self-care and healing are daily practices. Loving yourself fully and confronting what holds you back leads to breakthroughs, making anything possible in life.

What is a practical strategy or tool that you have found most effective for achieving success and/or personal growth?

A practical strategy that’s been a game-changer for my success and personal growth is morning routines. They’re like an all-in-one package. Incorporating breakthrough work, meditation, affirmations, and journaling has been crucial. It helps regulate my nervous system, keeps me present, and reprograms my subconscious mind. This shift in focus and learning to let go of control has been transformative for me. I could talk about it endlessly!

How do you deal with self-doubt and limiting beliefs? What practices have you found helpful for building self-confidence?

Dealing with self-doubt and limiting beliefs is a vital ongoing process. Personally, I find listening to affirmations at night while I sleep incredibly helpful. Morning and night are prime times for effective visualization. With my clients, I encourage them to identify their “little lies,” and trace their origin and validity. Then, they replace them with empowering, believable statements, and actively seek evidence of their achievements. Building this foundation of strength leads to unstoppable confidence, where outside opinions matter less, and you become full of self-assurance.

What advice do you have for staying resilient in the face of adversity? How do you maintain a growth mindset and learn from failures?

The key is to keep moving forward. There will be days when you have to crawl, but keep your head held high. Amidst all the noise, stay focused on your goals and be your authentic self. Embrace mistakes as part of the learning process, nobody’s perfect. Just remember, if you stay hidden and stuck, you won’t grow. Take even a 1% step each day, and by year’s end, you’ll have moved mountains.

What are some common misconceptions people have about your area of expertise, and what would you like people to know?

A common misconception is downplaying the importance of mindset work, often dismissing it as fluff. While strategies are crucial, without the right mindset, sustained success is a challenge. Energy matters for sales and overall progress. Success isn’t just about strategies; it’s about nurturing your mindset and inner foundation. This work is continuous and essential—it doesn’t have an endpoint.

Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

Absolutely, I’d like to emphasize the importance of forward momentum. Learning comes from daily action, focusing on significant steps that make a real impact. Avoid looking back; it’s about moving ahead. Remember, your thoughts shape your reality, so choose ones that empower and serve you best!

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Girl with dark hair, smiling, in front of trees, green and gold background, Megan Albrecht: An Empowered Voice

A Secret Way to Combat Depression- Guest post by Megan Albrecht

Hello everyone!  I’d like to introduce you to my friend Megan. Megan and I met when we both ended up in multiple sessions together during a women’s summit and realized we had a lot of common interests. Since then, we’ve been able to stay connected and I’ve learned so much from her! Not only is she brilliant, but also so brave, vulnerable and kind. I was absolutely thrilled when she showed interest in guest blogging, because I know everyone else could learn a lot from her as well. And so without further ado, here’s Megan’s guest post about fighting depression:

A Secret Way to Combat Depression

You are most likely aware of the foods to eat (or avoid), if you struggle with your mental health.  That’s becoming easy enough information to find online, thankfully.  I’m grateful for each and every tip when it comes to feeling my happiest.  I have battled Depression and Anxiety for most of my life.   One thing that I’ve found out lately, may come as a surprise to you.  It sure did, for me!  Not only does it matter what you put IN your body, it matters what you’re putting ON it, too.

I didn’t realize until lately that it takes less than 30 seconds for skincare products to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  Why is that important to know?  Because many different lotions, soaps, and makeup have ingredients that are very toxic.  When I first heard about toxins, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t too concerned.  I thought, so what if it causes Cancer?  Needless to say, I wasn’t in a healthy frame of mind.
The turning point for me came when I found a truly natural skincare company and swapped out the lotions and soaps I had been using for better options.  It was last Summer and I felt so happy and content for the first time in as long as I can remember.  I’ll tell you though, I didn’t make the connection at the time…

Slowly, I swapped other things out for our family.

Soon I found a better alternative to dish soap and laundry detergent.  After months of feeling really good for one of the first times in years, I ended up depressed and anxious again.  Why?  I realized after a few months that I had been using a cream on some pesky and persistent eczema that was filled with toxic ingredients!  This was dermatologist recommended, by the way.
The only way I realized, was when I quit using that and slowly began to feel more positive and upbeat again.  I was shocked!  No one had ever told me about the mood connection tied to skincare products…Not only that, but when I look for the information online now, I find next to nothing linking the two.

I realize that making swaps can feel daunting.

Especially if you’re already struggling with your mood.  It can almost feel like too much to worry about.  My recommendation is that when you’re ready to start swapping products out, do it one at a time.  When you are getting low on your body lotion, start looking for other healthier options.  I’d recommend starting to do research early so you have a new alternative well before running out of your old product.  If you need any help finding better products, I’m more than happy to help!
Find me on Instagram at Instagram.com/megan__albrecht

Here is a Cheat Sheet of ingredients you do NOT want in your products to get you started:

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
  • Parabens
  • Fragrance
  • Mineral Oil
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Phthalates
  • Petrolatum
This list is not exhaustive, but a good starting point for you.  The easiest way to ensure products are truly safe is to know the ingredients listed and know WHAT exactly they each are.  You may want to look locally, first because many smaller companies use safer ingredients and are trying to get started!

I truly hope this information is empowering to you and you feel hopeful.

Because you should!  Once you begin this journey, it gets easier and you will feel happier.  I can almost guarantee it.  Safe and healthy healing to you!

  Megan Albrecht is a single mom and has recovered from Depression among other things. She helps women feel more confident, energetic, and happy through holistic mood support. She is fighting to bring an end to human trafficking.

Want to connect with Megan further? Find her here:

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